Bendigo Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Feedback Form
Our clinic welcomes your feedback to assist us with ongoing continuous improvement. Please find an outline of how
your feedback is managed:
Your compliment will be passed on to the staff member or team who have been mentioned in the feedback. The compliment will be acknowledged by the Practice Manager and saved to the staff member’s HR file. It may also be used as an example of best practice and help other service areas to continually improve their service.
We encourage comments and suggestions. Your comments will be passed on to the Practice Manager for consideration and action if required. If you have requested a response to your comment, please ensure you provide your current contact details and the Practice Manager will contact you within seven (7) days.
Bendigo Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Clinic supports the right for clients to make a complaint. All complaints will
be taken seriously with a focus on a solution based outcome. The Practice Manager will ensure all complaints are handled in a professional and timely manner. All complaints are treated with confidentiality. If you would like a formal response to your complaint, please ensure you provide your current contact details.
Please be advised any feedback provided, that is not directed towards an employee of the Clinic will be passed on to the relevant independent contractor.